Saturday 7 February 2009

Saturday morning procrastination....

I'm sitting here trying to make time stand still LOL. I'm working today well this arvo, and I should be away getting ready but instead I'm checking out some cool scrappy sites, I think it's cos I know that the minute I hit that shower the madness of the day has begun. Another wedding at work tonight, hope it's a nice calm one, just about over the stress of some of them, it's not so much the weddings, it's the chaos of all the setting up, breaking it down and coping with irate houseguests who want to sleep... oh well it's all part of the fun.
Anyway found this very cute blog this morning, some very nice work here, worth a look.
Ah well off to the shower, enjoy your Saturday.... day off tomorrow YAH!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope last night wasn't too stressful on you, girl! Love your book for Sam - hope you're doing well!!