Wednesday 2 January 2013

A New Year

2013! This sounds totally unreal to me, in the sixties we use to joke about what life would be like after 2000 and here we are 2013. What would my mother say lol!
Anyway we are here and life is still very much what you make it and I intend to make this year much more fun and certainly more stress free than last year, I intend to not make work a priority, but to make more time for family, friends and fun!
Speaking of fun, I'm going to make cards today. Have been colouring images and now I'm good to go so I hope everyone has had a safe and Happy New Year and lets make 2013 fabulous.

1 comment:

mandyb said...

lol i was the same looking forward to 2000...i thought it was flying cars time!!! lol

how wrong was I!!!

happy 2013!!!!